The Hansberry’s were trailblazers in fighting housing discrimination, racism and segregation well before the Civil Rights movement. The Hansberry family includes successful real estate entrepreneurs, scholars, esteemed educators, writers, authors, artists, and an actor, who have left a permanent legacy of racial pride and success.
1st Generation:
Elden Hayes Hansberry and Pauline Bailey Hansberry
2nd Generation Children:
William Leo Hansberry (1894-1965) (Gloster, MS)
Carl Augustus Hansberry (1895-1946) (Gloster, MS)

2nd Generation:
William Leo Hansberry (1894-1965) (Gloster, MS) and Myrtle Kelso (1908-1980)
3rd Generation Children:
Gail Adelle Hansberry (1939)(Chicago, IL)
Myrtle Kay Hansberry

Carl Augustus Hansberry (1895-1946) (Gloster, MS) Nannie Louise Perry
3rd Generation Children:
Carl Augustus Hansberry jr. (1920)(Chicago, IL)
Perry Holloway Hansberry (1921)(Chicago, IL)
Mamie Hansberry (1923)(Chicago, IL)
Lorraine Hansberry (1930)(Chicago, IL)