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Setting up your website template:
For more templates and pre-made sites visit: AllWebCo Design
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Step 1:
EDIT FLASH ANIMATION: | Click for more details
There are three flash animations in this template. Two for the "intro" page (index.html), and one for all the other pages. To edit the flash contents: Open the "flash.txt" file and change the text that follows "logo=". Be sure not to delete the "logo=". Change the three "&line=" lines to catchphrases relating to your website. This will change the animation on the "intro" (index.html) page. Edit the text following "&logo-subpages=" and "&slogan=" to add your logo and slogan to all template subpages. You can also change the three "&intro" lines to alter the intro welcome text and enter button text. If you wish to use a graphic logo, there are instructions later in this document.

HOMEPAGE FLASH IMAGE CHANGER: | Click for more details
The animation in the homepage (index.html) is showing 8 .jpg images. You will find these images in the "flash" folder. You can optionally replace "image1.jpg" through "image8.jpg" with any standard .jpg images and the flash will update. Make your images 750 x 250 pixels in size.

Step 2:
EDIT COPYRIGHT: | Click for more details
Open the "copyright.js" file in Notepad or any text editor, and change the "Your Company" text to match your site or company title. This will change the footer info on all pages. Edit all ".js" files with a text editor like Notepad.

Step 3:
EDIT CONTACT INFO: | Click for more details
Open the "contact.js" file with Notepad or any text editor, and change the company name, address, phone and fax number and e-mail address. This will update contact info on the "contact" page. This is done in a .js file so search engines can't find your e-mail. You'll receive less spam.

Step 4:

Click for current info on setting up the template forms.

Click for info on adding more fields to the forms.

Click for changing form sizes or colors.

If you want to use only e-mail on the contact page you can remove the contact form from the "contact.htm" between the comment tags.

Step 5:
REPLACE THE GALLERY PICTURES: | Click for more details
The best way to setup the pictures in the gallery is not to actually edit the HTML pages and change the pictures on each individual page. The fastest way is to simply replace the pictures in the "gallery" folder with your own by overwriting the files that are in there now and using the same generic names.

In the "gallery" folder, replace the 18 "Fgallery" pictures with full size photos. Replace the 18 "gallery" pictures with your thumbnails. The Fgallery images are now 500 x 333 pixels and the thumbnails are now 100 x 67 pixels. You can make these any size that you prefer. There is info on the other images in this template later in this document.

IMAGE VIEWER OPTIONS: | Click for more details
You can change some options for the gallery image viewer page (image-viewer.htm) by editing the pop-closeup.js in Notepad. Options include new browser window, or popup for the viewer.

Step 6:
EDIT SIDEBAR: | Click for more details
Open the "sidebar.js" file in Notepad or any text editor, and edit the text and links with your own text. You will also find some options you can change at the top of this file. Editing the sidebar.js will update the right side of all the template pages at one time. This is the area just under the images on the right on each page. Example: In the sidebar.js find the "1ST NOTES AREA" and edit the "Notes Area" line with your sidebar title text. Edit the "You can edit this area..." text with your own text. Try this update and check the about.htm to see this updated.

The phone number shown at the top of all pages on the left is also edited in the sidebar.js. You can place your phone number here, replace this with any text you want or turn this off in the sidebar.js.

Step 7:
EDIT PAGES: | Software choices | Notepad Editing
Change the text on all pages to match your information. You can use a text editor like Notepad, Frontpage, Dreamweaver or any wysiwyg editor. Take care not to delete any of the HTML tags that surround the text. You will find notes inside each page to help you navigate. NOTE: You may not see the footer and header in some software because they are .js include files so you can globably edit the menus, your e-mail and other info.

Step 8:
Open each of the pages and change the titles (at the very top of the page) and also the description and the keywords to match your product or service. You can edit one page and copy and paste to the other pages. Be careful to only change what's inside the "" so you don't disturb the html code. Page titles are important so your site will get a good listing at Google or MSN and other search engines.

Step 9:
UPLOAD: | Click for more details
Upload the pages on to your hosting company's server using ftp software or Windows Explorer or your control panel. Be sure to upload the "picts" and "gallery" folders and all files in these folders.


You can replace the Flash logo with a graphic logo. To do this, delete or rename the "header.js", then rename the "GRAPHIC_LOGO_header.js" to "header.js". In the picts folder you will find a graphic called "logo.jpg". Edit this graphic with your logo. You can make this any size, however, it is best to make your logo.jpg 500 x 80 pixels in size.

The slideshow is currently setup to display all pictures in the "gallery" folder. If you would like to add or remove pictures from the slideshow, open the slideshow.htm in Notepad and look for the "EDIT THIS AREA" note. Copy and paste to add new pictures to the list, or delete lines to remove pictures. You can also set the AutoPlay speed. Look for "var rotate_delay = 3000".

The index.html on this template has a background sound named home-sound.mp3. You can replace this sound by creating a .wav, .mid or .mp3 file and putting your newly created sound file in this website folder. Then, edit the index.html and change the code following the "START SOUND CODE, DELETE TO REMOVE" notes in the index.html. Replace "home-sound.mp3" in 2 places. To remove the homepage background sound delete between the notes in the index.html.

FONTS: | Click for more details
You can change your font colors and sizes by editing the "coolstyle.css" with a text editor. You can find other font colors by clicking here. You can also change the font sizes in the "coolstyle.css" text file. Change the "TABLE" px size to change the copy on all pages. Change the "subtitle" px size to change all the subtitle sizes.

COLORS: | Click for more details
You can change many of the template colors by editing the "coolstyle.css" with a text editor. All colors for the intro are defined in the index.html, not in the CSS file. Click above for more details and support.

PICTURES: | Click for more details
You can replace the pictures with your own. The page images are now 175 x 116 pixels (except the gallery pictures) but you can use any size picture you want. Each page has 2 pictures named according to the page they're on. You will find all pictures in the "picts" folder and all the gallery pictures in the "gallery" folder.

ADDING PAGES: | Click for more details
You can add pages to your website by copying and pasting any one of the pages and renaming it to whatever you need. You can then add links from the other pages or even add the page to the menu by opening the menu.js and copying and pasting one of the buttons below another. It's best to copy the two lines of the "contact" button and paste it between the other buttons. Be sure to back up your files before you edit them.

CHANGING / ADDING MENU BUTTONS: | Click for more details
You can change the names on the buttons like "About US" or "Contact" to other page names by editing the "menu.js". Only change the one instance of the name and not the name with the ".htm" after it. Whatever you change in the menu.js will change every page on the website. Keep the menu names short so your menu doesn't get too wide. You can add more pages but copying the 2 lines that form a menu item in the menu.js and pasting that right below itself. There are notes in the menu.js for adding buttons. Be sure to always backup your files before you edit them.

The menu used in the "image-viewer.htm" and "slideshow.htm" is named "menu-gallery.js". You can change and remove links in this menu file as well.

SIDEBAR MENU: | Click for more details
The sidebar area on each page includes a menu you can edit as well. Find the "START SIDEBAR MENU" note in the sidebar.js to edit this area. This sidebar menu is edited much like the menu.js is edted. (see above)

So all your pages will maintain a standard height, spacing is included in the sidebar.js. You can edit the "var pageheight" variable near the top to any height you need to keep short pages from being cut too short.

You can edit the width of the right sidebar near the top of the "sidebar.js" and in the coolstyle.css.

If you don't want to use the flash intro and would rather have the front of your site be the "home" page. Open the "menu.js" in Notepad and change where it says "home.htm" (near the bottom) to "index.html". Then rename or delete the current flash intro page (index.html), then rename the "home.htm" to index.html.